Terms and Conditions BFF 2025
The acquisition and carrying of the ticket, in any capacity, implies the acceptance of the following conditions:
1.1. Tickets are made in the form of CREDENTIALS (badges), linked to the name informed by the attendee, and will be personal and non-transferable.
1.2. To enter the event, attendee must present an official document with a photo, in order to prove their ownership. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ENTRY WITH COPIES, AUTHENTICATED OR NOT, OF DOCUMENTS BE AUTHORIZED.
1.3. The credential allows the attendee to enter and leave the place where the event will take place (Hotel Convention Center) as many times as he/she wants, during the 3 days of activities, notably, from July 18 to 20, 2025.
1.4. Brasil FurFest tickets are sold exclusively on the event’s website (www.brasilfurfest.com.br) until 06/22/2025 and, thereafter, at the box office during the event.
1.5. Ticket sales will start on October 13, 2024 at 9:00pm (GMT-3) and will end on June 22, 2025 at 11:59pm (GMT-3), and may be closed early if tickets are sold out, reaching the limit of 1,700 paying guests.
1.6. The purchase is subject to the availability of tickets and the approval of the transaction by your credit card company or payment of the payment slip on the respective due date.
1.7. The purchase is subject to the analysis and approval of our security department, which may request additional documents to prove the registration for the completion and delivery of your order.
1.8. Purchase orders are subject to confirmation of payment, regardless of the payment method chosen by the purchaser. The buyer declares to know and accept that the information provided will be used to confirm the veracity of the buyer’s data.
1.9. It is not allowed to exchange, transfer and/or change the ownership of the ticket to third parties.
1.10. The deadline for requesting a refund, as set out in the Brazilian Consumer Protection Code (Law 8078/90) is 07 (seven) calendar days from the time of purchase. There will be no refunds after this period.
1.11. It is possible to upgrade experience packages at any time, within the ticket sales deadline. There is no possibility to downgrade experience packages.
1.12. All tickets are accompanied by an experience package to be chosen by the purchaser at the time of purchase.
1.13. Minors can participate in the event unaccompanied by their parents only accompanied by a responsible paying attendee, duly authorized by one of the parents through authorization with a signature registered in a notary, under the terms of the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (Brazilian Law 8.069/90).
1.14. Fathers and mothers of all paying attendees, minors or adults, are entitled to enter the event free of charge as long as they are previously registered when purchasing the ticket from the acquirer and upon proof by official document.
2.1. It is the responsibility of the attendee to correctly fill in the personal data requested for the purchase of the ticket.
2.2. Carefully check the details of your order before confirming your purchase. Cancellations, exchanges or refunds of tickets outside the conditions defined herein will not be allowed. Your ticket is unique, that is, after its purchase it will no longer be available for sale to third parties, exchanges or returns.
2.3. The photo sent to make the credential cannot be changed after sending.
2.4. Fathers and mothers will only be able to enjoy the free companion if they have been registered when purchasing the ticket by the acquirer.
3.1. Buyers must pick up their badge and gifts (according to the experience package) upon arrival at the event, in the registration section.
3.2. Only the ticket holder can withdraw the credential, upon presentation of an original identity document.
3.3. Fathers and mothers are not entitled to giveaways from experience packages, being only companions of purchasers.
4.1. Brasil FurFest is not responsible for the loss, misplacement, theft, robbery or damage of the badge caused by misuse or third party acts.
4.2. The attendee may request a reprint of the badge for any reason or in case of request to change the character data at any time during the event, subject to the mandatory delivery of the previous badge and payment of a fee of R$50.00 (Fifty Brazilia Reais).
4.3. In case of loss of the badge, the attendee will have to bear the costs of a new ticket.
5.1. They are entitled to half-price benefit, according to BRAZILIAN LAW No. 12.933, OF DECEMBER 26, 2013. :
5.1.1. Students with original card: Attendee who are regularly enrolled in an educational institution. Whether public, private, elementary, secondary, technical, higher or postgraduate (specialization, master’s and/or doctoral), you must present an original official identification document with photo, valid in the Brazilian territory, within the validity period and:
(I) student identification card (CIE), under the terms of the regulation, issued by ANPG, UNE, UBES, state and municipal entities, Central Directories of Students, Centers and Academic Directories, according to a single Brazilian standardized model;
(II) Original Declaration, issued on headed paper, stamped and signed by the educational institution;
5.1.2. People with disabilities (PCD):
Attendees with disabilities must present the Benefit Card for Continued Social Assistance or supporting document issued by the Brazilian Institute of Social Security – INSS, attesting to retirement in accordance with the criteria established in Complementary Law 142 of May 2013, accompanied by a document original official identification with photo, valid in the Brazilian territory and within the validity period.
To prove the condition, medical reports containing a legible name of the certified physician, Brazilian CRM number and CID 10, as well as an official identity card that indicates the disability or associated entity card will also be accepted.
Free entry will be guaranteed for the companion of a attendee with a disability who, due to their condition, needs to be accompanied;
List of deficiencies valid for half price according to the regulation of Brazilian LAW No. 5.296 OF DECEMBER 2, 2004.
- Blind people;
- People with Low Vision;
- Person with Monocular Vision;
- Hearing deficiency:
- Person with bilateral hearing loss;
- Person with partial hearing loss;
- Person with total hearing loss;
- Physical disability:
Physical disability is all that includes limitations in movement, or partial or complete alteration of one or more segments of the human body. However, the term physical disability covers all disabilities, including intellectual ones, since the word physical is linked to physiology, that is, the whole body is “physical”, and all disabilities are included in the body.
- Paraplegia;
- Paraparesis;
- Monoplegia;
- Monoparesis;
- tetraplegia;
- tetraparesis;
- Triplegia;
- triparesia;
- Hemiplegia;
- Hemiparesis;
- Ostomy;
- Absence of a member;
- dwarfism;
- Cerebral palsy;
- Limbs with acquired or congenital deformity.
Aesthetic deformities do not fit because they do not present difficulties in the performance of functions.
- Intellectual disability:
- Fragile X syndrome;
- Down’s syndrome;
- Rett Syndrome;
- Dyscalculia;
- Fetal alcohol syndrome;
- Inborn errors of metabolism;
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
- Multiple Disability: It is the association of two or more disabilities in one person.
5.1.3. ID Jovem (Brazilian Youth ID):
Low-income youth aged 15 to 29, enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Brazilian Federal Government (CadÚnico) and with a monthly family income of up to 2 minimum wages. Proof of benefit will be given with the presentation of the ID Jovem issued by the Brazilian Federal Government.
5.2. Elderly over 60 years old – Brazilian LAW No. 10,741, OF OCTOBER 1, 2003.
Attendees aged 60 or over must present, along with the half price ticket, an original official identification document with photo, valid in the Brazilian territory and within the validity period;
5.3. Teachers with professional identification document
(a): Attendee who is a state and/or municipal employee, in the position of teacher in the state public network and/or municipal education networks: present a functional card issued by the Department of Education or the employee’s respective payslip;
(b) São Paulo State LAW 15.298/14: Attendee who is a state and/or municipal employee, in the position of principal, pedagogical coordinator, supervisor and/or holder of a position in the support staff of state and/or municipal public schools : present a functional card issued by the Department of Education or the employee’s payslip;
5.5. If the benefit is not proven, the attendee must complement the value of the ticket purchased for the full ticket price, otherwise access to the event will not be allowed.
6.1. All purchasers who donate dry or wet food for cats or dogs (in any quantity), in original closed packaging, well preserved and within the expiration date, will be entitled to a promotional discount on the value of the STANDARD (SOCIAL) ENTRANCE ticket. The discount is not accumulative. Food that can be stored for long periods at room temperature, without damage to its conservation, will be considered for a discount. Give preference to foods with a long shelf life. Perishable foods, liquids or foods stored in packages that do not allow identification of their origin will not be accepted.
6.2. The ration must be delivered at the time of accreditation on the first day that the acquirer participates in the convention. Failure to deliver the food will result in the cancellation of the promotional discount, so the holder must complement the value of the ticket purchased with a discount for the full ticket price, otherwise access to the event will not be allowed.
6.3. Food will be distributed through one or more social assistance NGOs to be chosen by the organization of the event.
6.4. If the food is not delivered at registration, the attendee must add the value of the ticket purchased to the full ticket price, otherwise access to the event will not be allowed.
7.1. – “Accompanied minors” will be considered those who are accompanied by at least one parent or guardian/tutor or guardian, as per presentation of an original document proving custody of the minor.
7.2. – When accompanied by one of the parents, it is sufficient to present the original identity documents of the minor and the father and/or mother at the time of accreditation.
7.3. – If accompanied by a guardian/guardian or relative, original identity documents of the minor and the guardian/guardian or parents must be presented, in addition to a certified copy of the document proving custody of the minor, for accreditation.
7.4. – “Unaccompanied minors” are those under 18 who are Brazilian and who are not accompanied by a father, mother or guardian.
7.5. – Unaccompanied minors must present all of the following documents when registering (according to article 82 of the Child and Adolescent Statute – Law 8.069/1990):
I – Authorization from one of the parents or legal guardian/guardian correctly filled out, according to the model available on the Brasil FurFest website, duly signed with a notarized signature (in two copies) authorizing an adult as guardian, who is registered in Brasil FurFest and is not part of the organization of the party;
II – Certified copies of the documents of one or both parents (in two copies). In the case of a guardian/tutor, certified copies of a document proving custody of the minor (in two copies), in addition to copies of the guardian/guardian’s document (in two copies); and
III – Original identity document of the minor and the legal guardian appointed by the parents, who will be the legal guardian of the unaccompanied minor.
7.6 – Non-Brazilian minors will be considered “foreign minors” and will only be able to participate in Brasil FurFest in the presence of one of their parents and in possession of identity documents (for countries in which Brazil has an agreement for use of national identity documents) or original passports.
8.1. The transfer of the ticket is not allowed, as it is personal and non-transferable.
8.2. Under no circumstances will ticket transfers be made before or during the event.
9.1. The purchaser may cancel the purchase of the ticket(s) within 7 (seven) days after receiving the purchase confirmation email, provided that this period also does not exceed 48 hours (forty-eight hours) before the event.
9.2. Cancellation requests must be sent to [email protected]. The date and time of sending the email will be considered for the cancellation period.
9.3. We do not carry out partial cancellations.
9.4. In the event of cancellation of the Brasil FurFest event, the purchaser will receive the full amount paid for the ticket.
9.5 In case of postponement of the Brasil FurFest event due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances (such as, for example, due to the sanitary conditions that were in force at the time of the event due to the COVID-19 pandemic), the ticket prices they will not be returned and they will remain valid for the new dates of the Event, unless some specific legislation is published on this subject – in this case, the norms of the specific legislation that is published will be followed.
10.1. Any and all activities carried out within Brasil FurFest may be filmed, recorded or photographed, at the discretion of the promoter/producer, for subsequent publication, transmission, retransmission, reproduction or dissemination on TV, cinema, radio, Internet, advertising or any other vehicle. communication, DVD and home-video production, without any type of limitation.
10.2. By attending Brasil FurFest, you agree, authorize and grant the free use of your image, name and voice under the terms mentioned above, without limitation, without this use characterizing misuse of image or any other violation of rights and without this use any encumbrance and/or indemnity arises.
11.1. Completion/correct supply of the data necessary for the purchase:
11.1.1. Carefully check your order details before confirming your purchase.
11.2.1. Each package entitles you to a series of gifts and experiences depending on the purchase made on the site. Gifts/items must be picked up during registration or until the end of the event, depending on the item.
11.2.2. Experience packages are personal and non-transferable.
11.2.3. All items purchased in experience packs must be picked up by participants by the end of the event. Items that were not claimed during the event will be dropped. Brasil FurFest does not have the duty to send, under any circumstances, any items to the participant.
11.3.1. The participation of speakers, DJs and guests and the holding of lectures and events within Brasil FurFest are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice. Brasil FurFest undertakes to disclose updated information about the event as soon as it becomes aware of any changes in this regard, but clarifies that some changes may occur without the possibility of prior communication to the public.
12.1. The purchaser of the ticket expressly declares that he has read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions and that he is fully aware of the rights and obligations that emanate from them.